Back To The Future With Fuji X-Pro 2 and Pentax 645D

April 13, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Why the reference to the classic Michael J Fox movie? Well I've switched camera systems from Canon to Fuji X... Ever the procrastinator I hung on to one of my Canon 5D3 bodies and a few of the lenses, and for good reason which I'll eventually explain.

I bought the Fuji X-Pro 1 when it first came thinking it would be perfect for weddings and events where it wasn't practical to have a huge SLR kit. But I didn't keep it for long because as much as I liked it I couldn't get it to work well enough for the type of work I was doing. Fast forward a few years and I believe the X-Pro 2 has addressed the issues I had all those years ago. I'm still getting used to it but it so far so good. The coffee shop image was from a day in the life of shoot with Fitness & Health Expert Pete Williams who needed a range of images for his website. 

I won't bore you with all the technical details and camera settings other than to say it was shot at 3200 iso yet produces a lovely file with a lovely film-like grain and looks great at 100%.

Selling off a lot of the Canon gear meant that i was able to pick up a Pentax 645D on-line at a steal of a price. The 645D is a 5 year old cameras so i guess digitally it's really old. But my association with the Pentax 645 goes back much further to the original film version which handled so well that I used it to cover professional boxing as well as weddings.

For this shoot I used the 645D as well as the Canon 5D3 (I will post images). The Canon I used with the 17mm Tilt-Shift lens to shoot an interior and couldn't have got that picture with the other 2 cameras, which is part of the reason why I kept a 5D3. See I'm not just a habitual-hoarder ;)


Coffee To Start The DayPete Williams Fitness & Health Expert


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